Thursday, February 16, 2017


Woman as Host Not the Fetus to be Playing With!


In response to:
How Do They Know Who to Kill?
Posted Feb. 15, 2017

Flora's Response
Your attempt to deny sexual coded DNA constructs aside I would say Bravo!

You have successfully assured me I am not the only woman alive on this planet to 'divest' in the constructs of the human minds ignorance toward the 'genocide' of women unilaterally as a 'pretence' to war on the minds of women.

The rape of our intelligence is not only the cause of hegemonies 'rift' with the feminine minds 'right' not to promote utter hogwash as to what is DNA's consequence for the human minds despicable approach to what is a 'gender neutral' concept not played as Barbies & Kens toy dolls ignorance toward what is common decency toward one another's gender divide.

To call a woman a 'host' as she carries a fetus so as to deny the 'father' the right to be his 'privilege' as though it were his 'contempt for the female mind and body' where women were 'robotic automata' claiming the sperm as the 'seed of contrition' for the male populations blindness to its own Viagaras  scare...

Were the worst truth of humanities illness where no 'disease' were worth the effort to 'cure it' when the suffering of men were the 'cause of the blight' of the feminine minds weep!

In short, what could be more insidious were the ugly references to women and girls as though ownership of humans were 'religions fit' to hegemonies promotion of ancient and archaic 'values and stereotypes' suggesting women are the 'goats bleat' of the masculine minds Adam's apple denied its byte of its own technologies bastardization of the feminine minds 'right' to our intellectual stimulation not vetted by the masculine minds fall to its own knees!

Once again Bravo to you for spelling out the truth of the horror of being a female on this planet.

It reminds me of the movie Cloud Atlas.
That is, through the centuries not a thing changes in class consciousness nor the 'right to an equal minds fit' with equalities drivel.

Where it suits men is where the power is played as the 'evil' on this earth plane.

What women and girls need is a revolution.
Not played out as in the old boys club way.

Power is 'within' as an internal disguise not vetted by even other women's hang onto 'patriarchies clothes tail of the mans deceit' of his own minds 'fake it until women someone how agree to own and promote social constructs ....

Such as cutting off the clitoris of young girls...
as though they were in fear of being the cattle's 'sheep to the slaughter' if they do not participate in disowning the cultural barbaric practices keeping them enslaved for centuries as to our niqabs similarity.

Women are truly their own worst enemies.

Why not instead promote a new game...
played by women for women about women.
Let men die in their own graves.

No 'host' were a parasites claim to any environments friendliest claim to a neutral territory not found in spaces time.

Why not have women deny men any 'privilege' as to their access to our minds, hearts nor bodily functions. Sex is the de-neutered tool of aggressions oppression. Why do women give men this power?

Common sense.  No decency is gained by allowing any mans penis in your 'bodily sanctity' if and when a man denies any woman her 'right to be a human first' regardless of social constructs in any language.

Language connoisseurs do not blame the writer for the words misspelling unless the 'content is fluff or not of value' to the reader.

Nothing is more and or less engaging in any societies 'thought' patterns then when a woman blames a man for her 'distinction' where she did not fit with our own minds intellect.

Why not call a spade a spade.
Women should stand and be counted instead of hiding behind 'cultural practice and barbaric terrorism.'

No religion is fit for human consumption.
All are sects 'devalued' as though somehow it is more and or less 'moral somehow to be the 'fight worth fighting for' so long as your nation profits from the economies tribal minds incite the war to buy the sellers wares.

No prostitute denies its whorehouse of its own religion were its 'faith' in stigmas and stereotypes denied the truths 'fake reality.'

In conclusion, would it not be wiser to wonder and promote a 'new paradigm shift' wherein women simply deny men the opportunity to claim any power whatsoever over the minds of women.

Start with denying the ugly advancement of the 'preachers role' in the minds and lives of women as moralistic jargon garbage!

No puritan were the charlatans eagerness to call the Pope his own ropes 'fantasy' as to every priests pedophile! No nun swears allegiance to any God raping her minds 'virginal births' hypocrites naughtiness.

Women are not Gods 'put down nor slave' to any mans jealous nature not 'fit' for the Kings wife's debacle.

No woman were Adams Eve denied the gardens nature.

God blesses those who do not deny faith in humanity.
Just watch and see what happens when girls do not buy into Barbie's 'fit with Kens doll as though it were their best future.

Flora McLaren
Author of Barbie Not Kens Toy to Play with Series
Diminishing Returns Frankensteins Bride
Mockingbird Designs

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